12 Ways to Become the Best Version of Yourself

12 Ways to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Have you ever walked past a mirror or shop window and glanced at the reflection, not realizing for a moment that it’s you?

Most of us see our lives like that, as there’s a perception of who we are and then some happier, healthier, more successful, and just plain better version of ourselves that we have yet to become.

Most of us will never even come close to realizing that full potential. But, sadly, most of us won’t even try.

I encourage you to read these 12 ways to become the best version of yourself. By going through this authentic journey of self-discovery, you’ll be able to tap into that fulfilled, maximized life.

So, the next time you walk past your reflection, you’ll recognize it as the version of yourself that you’ve always wanted!

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Crisis As Catalyst: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Turn Challenge Into Opportunity

Crisis As Catalyst: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Turn Challenge Into Opportunity

While women entrepreneurs are burgeoning—they started almost 50% of the new businesses in the U.S. in 2022, for the third year in a row—they also grapple with a disproportionate array of obstacles.

How can women entrepreneurs, in this era of constant change, leverage challenges as catalysts for unprecedented success in 2024? As a woman entrepreneur who has had her fair share of obstacles over the years, here’s what I think.

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10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be Happy Today

10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be Happy Today

“But are you happy?”

That’s one of the most difficult questions to answer, which sometimes makes us squirm when people put us on the spot. I mean, the default answer is “yes,” but that’s not always true, is it?

We all have ups and downs; good days and bad, and it’s impossible to be happy 100% of the time (especially these days!).

But scientists and researchers point to something called “baseline happiness,” which is a consistent, long-term range of our positive emotional state. And the great news is that we can do things to improve our baseline happiness – there are tangible strategies to boost our mood, joy, and outlook in life.

If you want to feel happier TODAY, try these 10 techniques. Do these things regularly, and you’ll see a vast improvement in how much you enjoy your life!

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Stop the self-sabotage!

Stop the self-sabotage!

Today, we’ll delve into how to overcome our negative belief mechanisms that kick in right when we have the potential to be truly happy, successful, or fulfilled.

With these six simple (but far from easy) six steps below, you’ll be able to smash through self-sabotage forever, allowing you to live the life you truly deserve.

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Exploring The Life-Changing Power of Habits

Exploring The Life-Changing Power of Habits

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate?

Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle of like-minded leaders?

Are you part of a community that helps you go further, faster, and enjoy the ride more?

Have you found your tribe?!

Many of us have big, audacious goals in business and in life, and are fully committed to achieving our highest potential.

But trying to take that journey alone means you are more likely to get off track, move at a glacial pace, and never even arrive at your goal.

Comprehensive research into the science of goal setting and achievement reveals that without accountability and leaning on others for support, you are far less likely to hit your target.

You’ll go much further and faster with a supportive community, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you. And there are two forms of community I would like to focus on today: Mastermind Groups and Accountability Groups.

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What You Need To Know About Stress

What You Need To Know About Stress

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate?

Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle of like-minded leaders?

Are you part of a community that helps you go further, faster, and enjoy the ride more?

Have you found your tribe?!

Many of us have big, audacious goals in business and in life, and are fully committed to achieving our highest potential.

But trying to take that journey alone means you are more likely to get off track, move at a glacial pace, and never even arrive at your goal.

Comprehensive research into the science of goal setting and achievement reveals that without accountability and leaning on others for support, you are far less likely to hit your target.

You’ll go much further and faster with a supportive community, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you. And there are two forms of community I would like to focus on today: Mastermind Groups and Accountability Groups.

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Do You Own Your Joy?

Do You Own Your Joy?

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate?

Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle of like-minded leaders?

Are you part of a community that helps you go further, faster, and enjoy the ride more?

Have you found your tribe?!

Many of us have big, audacious goals in business and in life, and are fully committed to achieving our highest potential.

But trying to take that journey alone means you are more likely to get off track, move at a glacial pace, and never even arrive at your goal.

Comprehensive research into the science of goal setting and achievement reveals that without accountability and leaning on others for support, you are far less likely to hit your target.

You’ll go much further and faster with a supportive community, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you. And there are two forms of community I would like to focus on today: Mastermind Groups and Accountability Groups.

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12 Ways To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

12 Ways To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate?

Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle of like-minded leaders?

Are you part of a community that helps you go further, faster, and enjoy the ride more?

Have you found your tribe?!

Many of us have big, audacious goals in business and in life, and are fully committed to achieving our highest potential.

But trying to take that journey alone means you are more likely to get off track, move at a glacial pace, and never even arrive at your goal.

Comprehensive research into the science of goal setting and achievement reveals that without accountability and leaning on others for support, you are far less likely to hit your target.

You’ll go much further and faster with a supportive community, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you. And there are two forms of community I would like to focus on today: Mastermind Groups and Accountability Groups.

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Master Your Morning = Master Your Life

Master Your Morning = Master Your Life

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate?

Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle of like-minded leaders?

Are you part of a community that helps you go further, faster, and enjoy the ride more?

Have you found your tribe?!

Many of us have big, audacious goals in business and in life, and are fully committed to achieving our highest potential.

But trying to take that journey alone means you are more likely to get off track, move at a glacial pace, and never even arrive at your goal.

Comprehensive research into the science of goal setting and achievement reveals that without accountability and leaning on others for support, you are far less likely to hit your target.

You’ll go much further and faster with a supportive community, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you. And there are two forms of community I would like to focus on today: Mastermind Groups and Accountability Groups.

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Find Your Tribe: The Power of Community in Achieving Your Goals

Find Your Tribe: The Power of Community in Achieving Your Goals

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate?

Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle of like-minded leaders?

Are you part of a community that helps you go further, faster, and enjoy the ride more?

Have you found your tribe?!

Many of us have big, audacious goals in business and in life, and are fully committed to achieving our highest potential.

But trying to take that journey alone means you are more likely to get off track, move at a glacial pace, and never even arrive at your goal.

Comprehensive research into the science of goal setting and achievement reveals that without accountability and leaning on others for support, you are far less likely to hit your target.

You’ll go much further and faster with a supportive community, and that’s what I’d like to explore with you. And there are two forms of community I would like to focus on today: Mastermind Groups and Accountability Groups.

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