How to Rebuild Bridges in Strained Relationships

Often we come across amazing people that have something to share with our community. Our hope by sharing their stories is that it can help you with something you’re also struggling with.  If you have a loved one in your life where the relationship has been strained, please keep reading Barbara’s story below.


When her son was struggling with multiple mental illnesses, and even an addiction to meth, Barbara Decker was forced to learn new ways of communicating, just to be able to get through to him and have him hear, and heed, her words.

Her old ways of communicating were no longer enough.

Trying to explain and rationalize her perspective were met with blank stares, open disregard, or mocking laughter.

Shouting, shutting down, or shutting him out only made things worse.

Desperate to find a way to reconnect with her son, Barbara began experimenting with a new way of interacting with him.  One that took the realities of his condition into account.

Miraculously she was able to get through to him and now they have rebuilt their relationship and are in regular, positive contact.

She did using an approach she now calls the U.P.R. Protocol.

She shares everything in her free online workshop:

RECONNECT! The Modern Woman’s Guide to Happier, Healthier Relationships here.

==> Register for Barbara’s “RECONNECT” workshop here.

If you have a loved one in your life — a child, spouse, partner, relative, or friend…

Where the relationship has made a dark change, and their new negative behavior may be harming them or others…

And they are taking advantage of you and using you, while refusing to listen when you show your concern and care…

And even make you into a villain for offering to help….

It’s time to learn to speak to them so they finally hear you again, understand what you need, and never again be their victim or villain.

Learn how to finally end the chaos and confusion with the U.P.R. Protocol.

==> Register for Barbara’s “RECONNECT” workshop here.

Ashley Huegi