
VIP invitation

You’re Invited

Power Up Your Life with GoBundance Women!

We are an exclusive, private membership community of highly successful women…powerful women like you!

Membership provides the tools, mentorship and community needed to achieve your goals, attain higher levels of success and create a full, abundant and joyful life that you love to live!

The Six Pillars

On our journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves, we elevate our lives with these six core areas

Pillar 1



We strive to maximize our physical condition so that our healthspan will match our lifespan. It is not about having a certain body type, it is all about feeling powerful, energetic, confident, and strong in our own skin. We encourage healthy eating, empowering exercise, restful sleep, and great stress release practices.

How We Live This Pillar:

  • Monday self care accountability
  • Monthly Masterclasses with subject matter experts
  • Archived videos from leading experts in health and fitness

"GoBundance Women has impacted me tremendously, in more ways than I could have imagined."

"To find a group of women who are so committed to being a little bit better every single day, in every aspect of life, is so fulfilling."

Mandy McAllister

PIllar 2



We are willing to be perfectly imperfect. In our vulnerability, we find incredible strength. We empower you to show up AS you are and WHO you are to truly connect. We are a group of women, REAL women, who support each other at our worst and at our best.

How We Live This Pillar:

  • Access to badass entrepreneurial women
  • Access to the FamBundance Community
  • Monthly Masterclasses with subject matter experts
  • Self-organized local and regional meet-ups

“GoBundance Women is my safe place, it is my home.”

“There needs to be more spaces in this world where women can be strong, powerful, vulnerable, real and supported. I was craving this and needing this, and then I found this sisterhood, it has made ALL the difference. “

Jaime Hope

PIllar 3



We encourage successful wealth-building practices. Having multiple sources of income and investments is the path to growth. We embrace the idea “its not what you make, its what you do with what you make” to help you build a lifetime of wealth and encourage financial freedom.

How We Live This Pillar:

  • Access to Wealth Building Wednesday Opportunities
  • Masterminding with successful GoBundance Women

“The goal is to build a life you don’t need a vacation from & everyone here is a testament to that.”

“It’s so fun to be surrounded by people that are ahead of me in the game, waking me up to the possibilities and reminding me that truly anything is possible, anything!

Erin Bradley

PIllar 4



We live purposeful lives and give back to our communities in meaningful ways. This is part of the GoBundance circle of growth and our way of life. Every event will include service activities and we encourage consistent acts of service from every member.

How We Live This Pillar:

  • Fundraising efforts & Auctions at events.
  • GoBundance Gives Calls – Highlighting a new member each month and their charity of choice to raise awareness.
  • Partnerships with organizations such as 1Life Fully Lived

PIllar 5

Bucket List


We work hard for our success and we enjoy playing hard too! Whether dancing the night away or on a tropical adventure, we frequently incorporate play into our lives! We embrace the abundant joy in adventures and love sharing these moments with our members! We don’t cut corners, but rather indulge in the fabulousness that we deserve as bad ass, successful women!

How We Live This Pillar:

  • Unique trips
  • VIP experiences in our retreats
  • Two in-person events per year

PIllar 6



We will stand with you to ensure you follow through on your commitments and big ideas. Your fellow members will support you to ensure you aren’t holding yourself back from grabbing life BIG! The sky isn’t even close to the limit for your ambitions, let’s soar together!

How We Live This Pillar:

  • One Sheet Reviews
  • Monthly POD Calls
  • #ASK, #GIVE, #PRAISE on Facebook

The Transformative Power of Real Connection

The BEST Parts

The best parts of GoBundance women are our members. We are top-performing professional women, but we know all too well how lonely it can be at the top.  Sure…we share knowledge and business connections, and those aspects are really important. Above all, though, our members know that the best part is that support we give each other. You owe it to yourself to invest in you, because you are way more powerful than you know.